white blanket

White Blanket

Below is a poem that our sweet sister, Brooke, wrote us after the loss of our son:


White Blanket

“Plans,” Just a funny word to me now

Though it wasn’t just moments ago

I’m set to tend my field with my plow

Then find it all covered in snow


We were left with a blanket, soft and white

To swaddle you close with love

But, swiftly, too quickly, our lamb took flight

To be with the Lord above


Gazing upon the blanket

I stop to rest instead

In the quiet of the snow

I slow to bow my head


The world calls it a tragedy

But wisdom taught me better

For I know you are with Jesus

And swaddled in white forever


Miscarried is the wrong word

For the Lord told me, instead

Carried is all that you are

Resting your little head